Was your home a crime scene due to which authority searched for fingerprints? Well other than the stress of such a situation, we often must also tackle the residual dust.
If this sounds like your story, then you’re probably trying to find a solution on how to remove fingerprint dust.
In this post, that’s exactly what we’re gonna talk about. If you’re looking for easy methods for combating this problem, then look no further than this post.
Take out your notepad as we show you how it’s done. Let’s start!
How To Remove Fingerprint Dust?
Now before we go into all the details about cleaning this mess up, what exactly is fingerprint dust?
You might have seen movies in which detectives sprinkle the powder on fingerprints to detect them. Usually, when we touch an object we leave behind some grease and dirt.
This powder sticks to such components and makes the fingerprint visible or identification. In general, fingerprint powder is made up of black ferric oxide or rosin.
Depending on the manufacturer, it could also contain mercury, copper or even lead. Anyways, it’s not exactly the safest thing to come in contact with your skin. Moreover, prolonged exposure could also harm your carpets or furniture.
Let’s see how it’s done-
Step 1: Gather all the necessary items
First things first, we’ll want to grab everything we need. That way, you won’t have to go running to the department store in the middle of the cleaning project.
- Vacuum cleaner
- Mineral spirits
- Dish Soap
- Water
- Sponge
- Spray bottle
- Old towel
Most of these items are ones that you already have at home. Now that you’ve got what you need, let’s look at how to remove this pesky fingerprint dust.
Step 2: Vacuum the area
Before anything else, we need to start by removing all the loose powder possible. The easiest way to do this is through a vacuum machine. Just like an effective water spot remover, a vacuum makes life much better!
Simply attach a precise brush nozzle and turn the vacuum to the highest setting possible. Then, brush through any surface where you see any fingerprint dust residue.
[amazon box=”B07F6N3RT6″ template=”table”]Don’t forget to clean the crooks and crannies of your furniture and windows, since they too can harbor a lot of dust and grime.
Do this process until you no longer can see any loose fingerprint dust with your naked eye. Voila! You’re done with fixing half of the problem.
To fix the rest, just follow a few more simple steps.
Step 3: Clean the fingerprint dust
After you’ve cleaned all of the loose dust, it’s time for a second cleaning. You see, even if the floors look like they’re clean, you still have harmful lead and mercury residue on them.
Hence, without using a second cleanse, you’ll end up spreading this residue all over the home and your skin. Moreover, if you have any house pets, then this could also be potentially dangerous for them.
Depending on what surface you want to clean, the cleaning method may vary.
If you have hardwood floors
In case you have wood floors or furniture where you have spilled fingerprint dust, then the best way to remove it is by using some good old mineral spirit.
Simply soak an old towel with some mineral spirit and wipe the powdery surface. If you accidentally spill some, you can always clean up mineral spirits spill at home easily.
Next, take a wet rag and give a second rub so that the oily residue is removed.
If you have carpeted floors
However, if your floors are carpeted, then things may get a little lengthy. You’ll need to make a cleaning liquid to get the job done for you.
To do this, take a spray bottle and fill it with some lukewarm water. Next, add about half a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid into it. Now shake it super well until all of the soap is dissolved into the water and close the lid tightly.
Your soapy liquid is ready! Whether you’re looking to get rid of tree sap off windows or fingerprint dust from them, this soapy liquid is a great way to give a final cleanse.
Just spray it on your carpets, rugs, or sofa and use a sponge to gently give it a scrub. This will remove any of the leftover fingerprints dust and clean your home.
Always make sure that you don’t use any abrasive material to clean carpets or sofas. This can do more harm than good, as they ruin the texture and fiber of carpets.
Instead, use old towels or sponges, and always scrub gently in circular motions.
Step 4: Wipe off any residue
After you’ve done the cleaning, it’s time to give some final touch-ups. Now you may think that this extra step is overkill. However, wiping and letting the area dry is an important step even while hiding urine stains under black light.
At this point, take a clean towel and wipe any remaining cleaner left. This small step will ensure that whatever surface you’re cleaning stays intact for the longest time.
Just in case you didn’t know, leaving cleaners on your furniture or floors can actually make them lose their polish and shine faster.
Parting words
At this point, it’s time to part ways. However, this isn’t goodbye. If you enjoyed our post on how to remove fingerprint dust, make sure to let us know by commenting down below.
Whenever you have a problem of this sort, always keep calm and search for a solution.
Did you ever face a similar experience? Tell us how you tackled if and also if we missed anything. Until then, stay safe!